About Us

Key Input Solutions was created with the knowledge that microbiology holds the secrets of life and its sustainability.  Bacteria, fungi, and archaea were responsible for the origins of life, and as such were the building blocks for all life as it exists today.  All life, including plants and animals, requires symbiotic interactions with microbes to this day.  In fact, everything on Earth has a relationship with microbiology.  Unfortunately, we have gotten away from our natural relationships with microorganisms by using synthetic chemicals as substitutes, which has caused numerous problems in today’s world with ecology and our own health.  

Key Input Solutions’ team has been studying microbial interactions for over forty (40) years.  Utilizing the knowledge gained in that time we have developed several microbial based technologies that are designed to perform important functions for which we have previously relied on chemicals.  And with these technologies we hope to reverse the excessive use of chemicals trend that has been damaging our planet and causing excessive health issues among people all over the world. 

Our Mission Statement:

Our mission is to provide the most effective microbiological solutions on the market that are also beneficial to the environment and to the overall health and well being of all forms of life.

Our Focus:

Key Input Solutions is a research and development company that focuses on building microbiological technologies for various industries.  We believe that all life on Earth revolves around microbiology.  Microbes are the basic building blocks for all plants and animals.  In fact, all plants and animals evolved to have and maintain a symbiotic relationship with microbes.  

There are many other biological based companies out there that understand these same principals of life…..but not one of them does what we do.  We understand that life is not as simple as adding a few beneficial strains of bacteria or fungi to an environment in order to optimize an outcome. The fact is that in every environment, whether that environment is soil, plants, waterways, animal waste, or even the human digestive tract, thousands of different strains all combine to perform different functions in those particular environments.  And we also understand that microbes thrive or die depending on the environment they are introduced into.  Strains that are not happy in a particular environment become feed stock for the ones that are happy.  That is why the largest key to efficacy with microbial based products is diversity of microbial populations.

How did we solve the dilemma of diversity?.........by using what nature has given us.  We grow diverse populations from specific natural mediums using our proprietary processes that have been developed over a period of over 35 years. Unlike our competitors’ products, our solutions contain hundreds, if not thousands of different strains of beneficial bacteria, fungi, and even archaea.  That diversity makes our products more effective than any other biological products on the market.


Industries Served:

Key Input Solutions produces products for an ever growing list of industries.  We currently offer products in: